Terms of Use
raumvonwert GmbH Terms of Use
Please read these terms of use carefully before using this website. These apply to all access to the website and its content, to information, recommendations, products and services offered to you on or through the website. By visiting and using this website, you fully agree to these Terms of Use and to any other law or regulation that applies to the website and the internet. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use our website.
All content contained or displayed on the website, including but not limited to logos, icons, trademarks, graphics, photographs, images, audio and video files, HTML code, buttons, illustrations and software (hereinafter: "Content") is property of room value, their licensors or third party content providers.
This content does not constitute a conveyance by estoppel or a conveyance, by implication or otherwise, of any license or right under any copyright, patent, trademark or other property of its licensors or third-party content providers.
The content may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way without raumvonwert's prior written consent. Permission is granted, however, to download, reproduce and print one copy of the materials on a single computer for personal, non-commercial use provided that the materials are not modified in any way and all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices are not retained to be changed.
All information on this website is free of charge and is for informational purposes only and does not create a commercial or professional service relationship between you and raumvonwert. Links on this website may lead to other sites that are not operated by raumvonwert. raumvonwert does not check or evaluate these websites and is not responsible for the offers and content of these websites; any liability is excluded in this respect. A link to any other site or offering does not constitute an endorsement of that site or offering. Any use of the information on this site or the sites or offerings linked to this site is at your own risk.
This site and its content are presented "as is". raumvonwert makes no guarantees of any kind for the website or the websites or offers that can be accessed via this website. raumvonwert is expressly not responsible for general usability, suitability for specific applications, claims and non-infringement of third-party rights. In particular, raumvonwert does not provide any express or tacit guarantees in this context. Under no circumstances will raumvonwert be liable for any direct, indirect, related, extraordinary, typical, consequential or other damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, business interruptions, loss of programs or data, resulting from the use of this website, or arise in connection with this website, regardless of whether they are based on contractual or tortious claims or claims arising from the violation of duties of care or traffic safety or from strict liability. Likewise, raumvonwert accepts no liability for any content on the website or content accessed via this website or any linked online service offerings or claims in connection with the copying, reproduction or other use of this content.
raumvonwert operates this website in Germany. You agree that these Terms of Use and any court action or tribunal proceeding will be governed by the laws of the United States of America, without application of its conflict of laws principles. If you intend to take legal action against raumvonwert, you expressly agree that raumvonwert will choose Germany as the place of jurisdiction. By using this website you agree that any legal proceedings will be governed by German law. This decision is independent of your place of residence or the place from which you visited the raumvonwert website.
You are responsible for compliance with the laws applicable to the location from which you access the site and you agree not to access or use any content on this site if it is unlawful under your local law . Any information you transmit through this website will not be considered confidential or proprietary information. You hereby represent that you are authorized to submit such information and agree that you will only submit information where authorized to do so. Due to the open nature of the Internet, we recommend that you only submit information that you do not consider confidential.
raumvonwert does not want any unsolicited transmission of information, concepts, ideas or similar (hereinafter "ideas"), unless in the context of established business relationships. We feel obliged to treat such transmissions with the utmost care in order to protect our interests and those of our customers. It is important to know that raumvonwert can and will only process such transmissions if there is a clear business relationship. We therefore ask you not to submit any unsolicited ideas to raumvonwert via this website. All ideas that are disclosed to raumvonwert without there being an existing, demonstrable confidential business relationship are non-confidential and raumvonwert therefore has the right to develop, use and freely disclose or publish similar ideas without you indemnify or account to you. raumvonwert makes reasonable efforts to return or delete ideas that are sent to it unsolicited, without examining them more closely. However, should an assessment become necessary at raumvonwert's sole discretion, raumvonwert is not obliged to keep this idea secret or to compensate you for disclosure or use. If you submit an idea or other detailed information to raumvonwert via this website, you agree to these terms of use.